So you thought i was a bit peculiar before for even suggesting making a trek all the way into Hendertucky for shaved ice (@Frostbite), but now that it's closer what are you going to think of me these days when the answer to everything is Snowflake Shavery??
What do you wanna eat?
Shaved ice.
Where ya want to meet?
What time is it?
Shaved ice time!
I'm sorry but not sorry for loving you. I just want to share this lovely concoction i've been getting into because i know you'd love it too. I lived here all my life and I still can't get used to the summer heat. Seriously, temperature, get off me. I ain't got time for that!
SFS is as good as it gets. I made a stop not too long ago on the way home from CA at a very well renown eatery in Rowland Heights, and i can testify that Mike and Will are superior. Reason SFS has the leverage is because they use natural ingredients for true flavor without compromising the consistency in their frozen desserts. It's a craftsmanship that not many could achieve. Bravo, fellas!
My go-to item is usually the straw x3 (strawberry, strawberries, and strawberry!) That's shaved strawberry ice with fresh strawberries toppings and a drizzle of condensed strawberry milk. If i really want to get turnt up i'd request some mochi too. Game changer.
*A great addition to Seoul Plaza; easy, light, and quick*