| - Allow me to break it down.
Arrive at a boofay and pay at 8:37pm (per receipt).
After taking a seat and gathering drinks, proceed to boofay tables to commence face stuffing selections.
Notice a lot of usual items absent or severely depleted.
Ask Too-Much-Cologne-Stinky-Manager-Guy at cash register what time is closing time.
When he replies 9pm, but you may continue to eat until 9:30, I confirm that they will continue to replenish food items up until 9pm, otherwise I want to get refund and forget it, there's not enough time.
He assures that they'll continue cooking and asks me to simply inform him of any missing items.
I do -- two main entree items that they advertise as 'signature' items.
I wait around for the items they're supposed to be cooking, all the while watching as other dishes become emptied and are not refilled.
I ask about the original two, and one of these other dishes, and Polite-but-Unfortunate-Puppet-for-Stinky-Cologne-Manager Asst Manager goes in the back and comes out to tell me they aren't cooking anymore.
I relay to him my previous convo with Too-Much-Cologne-Stinky-Manager-Guy and say what gives?
After checking with Too-Much-Cologne-Stinky-Manager-Guy in a mysterious back office location, Polite-but-Unfortunate-Puppet-for-Stinky-Cologne-Manager Asst Manager informs me that it has been decided that it's not appropriate for me to receive a refund in this situation and there's nothing he can do.
I remind Polite-but-Unfortunate-Puppet-for-Stinky-Cologne-Manager Asst Manager that I paid by credit card, and if I truly have not received the goods that I paid for, I'll just file a dispute with them.
He goes in the back again. (am I buying a car, here, or what?)
Upon return, Polite-but-Unfortunate-Puppet-for-Stinky-Cologne-Manager Asst Manager presents me with a business card, on the back of which Too-Much-Cologne-Stinky-Manager-Guy has hand written a note entitling me to one (1) free adult boofay at any time of day.
There were three of us in the party, and apparently Too-Much-Cologne-Stinky-Manager-Guy has decided that since I'm the only one complaining then I must be the only one who deserves a free meal credit.
Poor customer service has made me second guess my love of cheap ass boofays. I guess i'll just stick with my nasty indie china boofays and avoid this WalMart of Culinary Mass Volume all together.