| - No history lessons from me on this one! Instead, I'm focusing on the fact that this fountain is a source of pride, a cool place to hang out, and a wonderful site for photographers to visit - you can't beat that!
I don't think the fountain being a source of pride needs to be elaborated on - it's both a work of engineering beauty and a wonderful thing to lay your eyes on; don't forget, it's one of the first things visitors see if they're driving in through the Fort Pitt Tunnels.
As for being a cool place to hang out, not only is it an amazing site, in the summer it's the best place to be. Granted, there are signs up asking people not to wade in the fountain, so if you want to go swimming, this isn't the place to go - but you can still sit near it, sit along the edge and dip your feet into it, and if you really want to, can use cups of water from the fountain to splash your fellow family members. Yeah, in case you didn't already guess, the fountain is usually crowded with families during the summer. But can you blame people for wanting to chill by the fountain, given how hot our summers get? Heck, forget the weather: just sitting near the fountain is super relaxing; nothing beats meeting new people or talking with your friends by the fountain, which is also by the river, where there are always boats, birds, and kayaks passing by. You really appreciate the Pittsburgh community while you're here - how can you not, especially on game days, when you hear the cheering fans and game announcements across the water?
Finally: how can anyone resist trying their photography skills out here? Whether you're shooting from a distance with the city in the background, you're going for profile shots of your friends, or you're looking to capture a beautiful sunset, this is the place to bring your camera and give it a shot (no pun intended). Just remember: the wind WILL blow water in any direction it wants. The area around this fountain is absolutely a splash zone!
If you haven't taken advantage of the fact that this thing is back up and running after a few years' hiatus, do it before it gets so cold that you're hiding indoors. It's definitely one of the best things about being downtown here!