I live a good distance away, but I always make the drive to Chaparral to let Ferdinand mingle with his dog friends.
Chaparral is one of the most well maintained dog parks I've ever been to. They segment the park into I think 3 football field sized enclosures (maybe even a bit larger) and I've noticed that lately, they keep only 2 of them open (passive dogs and active dogs) while a 3rd is under maintenance getting rejuvenated on a rotation.
Most everyone is friendly and have their dogs under control. I try to avoid the weekend warriors and come on weekday evenings as it tends to be less crowded and noisy. My Boston Terrier Ferdinand always has a blast here and takes like a 4 hour long nap afterwards.
If you like taking walks, you should let your dog burn all his energy playing in the park and then do the path around the adjacent pond--Ferdinand does really well on a leash after he's all pooped from chasing other dogs.
Only place that my dude likes better than this is the huge dog beach in Ocean Beach CA, but this is definitely his #1 hangout in AZ.