How evil can you be to open up a yogurt shop next door to Hulas? Come on now! I can't *Not* come here after Hula's. This is bad news for me.
The set up is simple: grab a cup and pick a flavor (or two, or three) of the rotating froyo flavors. Nutella, salted caramel, cheesecake.. this isn't your basic yogurt.
Then select your variety of toppings. This is where things get out of hand. You want chopped up candy? Pick from a bevy: Kit Kats, Rolos, Reese's, etc. You want fresh fruit, go ahead. YOu want some gummy bears or crushed cereal? No problem.
THEN, you can squirt on some hot fudge if that's your thing. No, well then perhaps the the fresh caramel sauce.
Soo soo good.
Be sure to get the frequent buyer card. Your gluttonous ways can get you *more* yogurt sundaes, for free!