I'm a book lover! Or hoarder, depending upon your point of view. LOL. So Half Price Books is a nice place for me to browse for some used books.
I also have an allergy to molds and dust that tends to limit my time in places like this. My family finds this amusing of course. But, this store isn't too bad on my sinuses and selection is pretty good. Prices are also good and the staff is very helpful. Though admitedly they get busy at times and there are only a few employees who work here. So be patient.
Besides Half Priced Books, both the Phoenix and Mesa locations of Bookman's have a nice selection. They also do a big business of buying back your books.
The Book Bin over on Via Linda and 90th, though small has a good selection of paperbacks and is family run. A plus in my opinion.
So if you like to read, I would add each of these places to your list for a visit.