| - If you've ever read "The Sandman" by Neil Gaiman, you will understand when I say that XS is like the Dreaming: an ever changing world that morphs and coalesces by drawing upon your deepest fantasies and fears into the shape of your choosing. Similarly, if you've got the money, the drive and the will to make things happen, you can essentially have anything you want at this nightclub.
In the span of 6 hours, I experienced significant amounts of pain, pleasure, lust, love, hate, glee, annoyance, bemusement, laughter, concern and ultimately an abiding hope in the future. And in that regard, I suppose that when you take the entire litany of human emotions I experienced condensed into such a short time span, the $30,000 bill doesn't seem too steep... especially since my share (scraped together from the spoils of my indentured servitude and a hot streak at the craps table) was heavily subsidized by my friends.