My daughter complained of a noise which she thought was under the dash. I listened and determined it was coming from under the hood and could be an idler, alternator or water pump based on my conversation with Jon Howard at Able Auto in Mesa (a friend but too far to drive at the time). Since it didn't seem critical at the time, I told her to make an appointment for Sun Devil at her convenience. I instructed her to let the shop diagnose the problem and not to mention what I thought. She took the car in on Saturday.
They kept the car for a few hours and sent her on her way saying "It's a 'phantom noise'" which basically stated they couldn't diagnose it. But they sold her an air cleaner! She told me they said "Maybe the old one was rattling around."
Two days later she called me and said her battery warning light came on as she was driving home from work. She made it home safely and I talked her thru the electrical system and determined she should go to the parts store and ask them to check the battery and alternator in the morning. O'Reilly's looked under the hood and said her serpentine belt was gone! Since this was on her way to work, she needed to call a tow truck and set out for Sun Devil again. She bought a $15 belt from the parts store, which I'm sure saved a couple bucks.
I called and talked to Carlos and told him of them not finding a problem when she first came in and expressed my displeasure of them selling her an air filter when she came in for something totally unrelated. I said the car was on the way back on a tow truck and asked him to restore my faith in Sun Devil, since I recommended them in the first place. I asked if they had a shuttle and was told they didn't but they would insure she had a ride to work. He immediately began a work order. The determined the water pump had seized. The work was completed and daughter paid in advance. Since we couldn't pick it up before they closed, Carlos arranged for us to pick it up after hours.
The work was done and so far no problem. Carlos stepped up and provided satisfaction after a shaky start. A single mom needs a shop she can trust when dad isn't always available. I'd still recommend S.D.A. but with a leery eye. $575 later a water pump was installed.