Oh, The Big Egg. Maybe it's because I've only been there when I'm in a hazy state, but every time I walk in it feels like I'm stepping into a David Lynch scene (the lighting is so weird!). The food is fine, but I can't help but think that I could have made something better at home whenever I get my food, and immediately regret dropping $8+ on an omelette (I just looked up one of my Big Egg bills and can't figure out how I spent $11.70 there one late night, but such is life) when I've had so many omelettes for $8 or under elsewhere that are pretty close to amazing and far less greasy. I mean, they're arguably better than Perkins or Bob Evans omelettes, which look something like plastic, but now I'm just lowering the bar for the sake of being complementary. It's not a bad place, it's just not a great place either. I'm sure I'll end up there at 2 a.m. again someday.