Never used yelp before. Never wanted to be that guy who bad mouthed a place without giving ownership a fair chance to defend their practice.. Searched all over online and couldn't find contact information. Guess ownership takes no responsibility for this disaster. Can't say I blame them.
Sat with a few friends today after work, playing pool by the side door. Waitress casually emptied the spillage from her tray onto the area rug I was seated on. When she could tear herself away from her cell phone, and walked by again I asked her if this was a normal practice for her and she confirmed that it was. When I asked for my bill I guess she could tell I was annoyed by having stale beer poured on the ground right next to my table and had the audacity to tell me and my friend that we should "try being nicer to people". Is this a joke? Is this the reputation you want in this neighbourhood? Your location will not save you if you condone this kind of behaviour from your employees. Now I know this place is just a dive bar on queen. I work a block away and have worked in the industry for twenty years.. I would never speak to a guest in that manner.