Would have given them zero stars if I could. This guy contracts through a home warranty place for repair jobs. My friend has a house n Vegas and called her home warranty for ac issues. Two weekends in a row she had to rearrange her schedule and rent a car to go to her Vegas property for an appointment that this Chilly Willy idiot set. Not to mention he even called to confirm for this weekend and still didn't show. Not only is this unprofessional of this idiot, but the home warranty place should drop them as a contractor. It's obvious from the other bad reviews I've read that his service is below standard and probably only passive on the few people he knew that gave him positive ratings. I believe in acknowledging the good for good and the bad for bad. Chilly Willy handyman needs to chill on being a fake contractor. Real contractors are professional with their clients and customers and are about making their money. This idiot is probably laid up somewhere wondering what he was supposed to do today! Duh u had appointments. In summary.....#dontusethisplace