Very Cool!
Decided to finally stop out at Pgh Winery on a rainy Saturday during one of the wife and I's ritualistic sip and savor tours of the strip. Decided to drive down as it was a bit of a hike from the main weekend activities around Wholey's.
I'd say the wine itself is average for your typical Western PA buy/import grapes and process establishment, but that's not a bad thing! (Seemed reasonably priced)
Where Pgh Winery really shines is down in the basement. Do yourself a favor, bring some good conversation, but a bottle of wine and go down there when no one else is there. Sounds odd, but my wife and I had one of the best times taking in the ambiance of the place (walls are lined with wine barrels, tables are wine barrels with lights in them, etc.) and grooving out to whatever Pandora station they had playing at the time (almost positive it was the Beastie Boys).
On a side note, a coworker had his wedding reception here and had nothing but positive things to say (for those in the market!).