| - One of the oldest Spring Training complexes in Arizona is also one of the best. Situated just outside of Old Town Scottsdale, Scottsdale Stadium offers a great place to watch a game as well as a location that begs you to go out after it is over.
Getting to Scottsdale Stadium can be a bit of a pain. It is a few miles from the freeway and almost requires that you deal with Scottsdale traffic. If you take Earll to Civic Center and then merge on to Drinkwater, you should be able to find either street parking or library parking for free. The dirt lots on the east side of the stadium should be avoided. Also, the Trolley goes by the stadium so you can park anywhere along the line and catch it.
Once you try to walk into Scottsdale Stadium, you will notice the food bank collection going on at each gate. This is not voluntary. You will be required to drop off everything eatable or drinkable (except closed water bottles) before you can enter. This, of course, should prepare you to empty your wallet once you are inside.
The concrete concourse obstructs the field which is a big hindrance but the area down the foul lines and the entire outfield berm has a clear view from the concourse. That is where most of the good food is located anyways so you can stay out from behind the concrete monster. There are plenty of food vendors and usually a nice broad selection of beers & cocktails.
Seating in Scottsdale is some of the best. The berm seating has a huge slope and features large shade trees. This makes for the best grass seating in the Cactus League. The regular seats are a bit on the smaller side but almost all of them are close to the field and have good views.
The practice field is beyond the right field wall. Usually, this means the visiting team takes BP on the main field making this a great place for autographs. If you were to want a Giant to autograph something, they all come down the first base line and most will stop and sign. Don't expect to have access to the practice field beyond standing behind a chain link fence.
This stadium has hosted so many teams over the years, it is too bad the terrible Giants play there now. Ignoring that fact, Scottsdale Stadium is a great place to catch a game, especially if you are in the East Valley.