| - O Beloved Costco!
Numerous are the reasons for which you deserve praise.
A cavernous structure, awesome to behold, to accommodate
A bewildering array of merchandise, easy on the pocket.
Fresh produce, baked goods, meats, frozen items
Packaged for assemblages rather than for individuals.
Tools, small appliances and other electronics
To delight even the most jaded gadget enthusiast.
Gasoline, optometry, insurance, home loans,
And the lowest markup on generic pharmaceuticals.
Patient ladies and gentlemen handing out food samples,
Tolerating my shameless repeat visits to their stations.
Refusing to stock a product like that Cola from Atlanta
When its manufacturers would not lower its wholesale price.
Clothing, home decor, books, music, the list goes on
And still I am delighted to see new items with each visit.
Beloved Costco, progeny of Kirkland, long may you stay
A shining beacon in the world of wholesale!