This place is way off the strip, but hot damn if it isn't shimmery from the outside. We ended up here to see the Satiristas show during the TAM 9 convention and then attend Penn Jillette's Private Rock N' Roll Bacon and Doughnuts party.
While meandering around the hotel trying to find the convention we stumbled upon a hallway with some interesting wallpaper. I'm guessing it was supposed to be harmless seed or leaf type things, but it ended up looking like a wall full of female genitalia. Yes, we did stop and take photos of it, thank you for asking.
I didn't spend a lot of time here and really only saw the convention space, which appeared to be nicely set up and spacious. They do have bathrooms located in this area so that you don't have to go on a hunt for them, which is well thought out. I didn't notice anyone smoking in this area, nor did I notice any ashtrays, so I'm assuming smoking is only allowed on the main floor.
I will say the casino did seem rather smoky and their buffet/restaurant was right next to the main casino floor, which seems like a good way to ruin the taste of a meal.