This was thee most horrific and splendid experience I have ever had....Let me explain. So my boyfriend is a horror junkie and I thought for sure I could handle it, an if nothing else I could bury my head in his chest, close my eyes and let him steer me through it....not in this house. We did the "Gates of Hell" which is R-rated and is so horrifying you actually have to sign a waiver and get a safe word! The outside the buildings look small and like child's play...never judge a book by its cover! I made it through approximately less than a minute of the haunted house before I was weeping and screaming the safe word. That is when it got splendid. The man that was doing the scaring immediately stopped and took me by the hand, in a calming voice he kept saying "It's gonna be okay, just don't touch the wall (so I wouldn't get shocked anymore), just follow me, your doing great" as soon as he helped me out of the house another man working there asked me if I was okay as well. Definitely the worst $ I have ever spent but solely because I know my limits and probably shouldn't have gone, but the treatment afterwards was well worth the $ and my glowing reviews! By far worth your time and money if your into this type of thing.