Awesome ambiance! Great seats, etc. plus great coffee - and the foam on the coffee is to die for.
Note: I went in last Friday and the barista was SUPER RUDE. I specifically asked for my MEDIUM coffee in a MUG not a glass cup- who wants to drink hot coffee out of a glass cup...Not me. I was on the phone when ordering, which must have pissed him off. When I picked up my coffee, I said I had wanted it in a mug. He said "mediums only come in the tall cups- you ordered a medium." I reminded him that I asked for it in a mug- even if it was a medium. He acted put off and then dumped it briskly into a large mug and said there you go.... Which of course ruined the foam. My husband likes this place, but I don't. There are plenty of great coffee shops in PHX that don't treat you this way. NOT a fan of this place.