After a decade of indulgence from the Bay Area's farmers markets, I was really bummed about the Farmers Market scene here in Vegas. I've tried them all, and after a while you get tired of the odd mix of kettle korn and mutant melons that seem to predominate. I resisted Tivoli Village at first, thinking it had far too much travertine to be serious about tomatoes . Actually, its a good market, one that seems to be growing with new vendors each time I go back. I love artisanal cheese, and there is an amazing goat and aged-cheddar that is a weekly staple for me, it ain't cheap but it's handcrafted and really good. I also found beautiful organic tomato's, fennel and kale last time. Another must-try are the cajun boiled peanuts, a southern street food that renders seasoned peanuts the texture of a baked potato_slightly addictive.