| - Please, if you love your pet, do NOT bring them here! Our cat was hit by a car last night, and we rushed her over here since it was close to home. The only thing they seemed concerned about was getting us to approve their $3,100.00+ 'estimate'. I just wanted to know the extent of her injuries, so I can make the decision whether or not to take her to my own vet in the morning. Their 'low' estimate was over $1,800.00 so I refused to sign it, but authorized them to charge up to $900.00 on my credit card to get her on pain meds right away and look after her that evening until I can go to my regular vet. And I assumed an x-ray was standard procedure in a case like this. (Other emergency vets charged me $600 which included x-rays) Attached is their estimate for the surgery they would also perform (funny, how do they know what to do without an x-ray?) grand total could be over $6,000!!
You would think that with blood coming out of my cat's eyes and nose, they would at LEAST X-ray her to see if she had any internal injuries or skull fractures. NOPE! Dr. Cole was so uncaring and a bit condescending in his attitude...a very cold individual, in my opinion. He said I refused diagnostics, which is BS...I WANTED them to x-ray her to make sure there were no life threatening injuries, but they seemed more concerned about getting their outrageous fees then helping my cat. He then proceeded to tell me how much it costs to run a place like that to justify why they were gouging me. I'm sure it's not cheap, but all I wanted was an x-ray included in the $900.00 agreed upon charge. Sheesh.
I took her to my regular vet at Sahara Pines in the morning (they are AWESOME!) and told my doctor about my experience. He was shocked that they didn't x-ray an animal that was hit by a car. He said that is the first thing they do. Plus, he is genuinely concerned about the animals, and it shows.
I really have a problem with VECC's lack of compassion. I feel sorry for anyone who has the misfortune of ending up here. They do not care about your pet's welfare, just $$$$! And although the tech that worked there was kind, I feel Dr. Cole needs to go into another line of work that he actually has a passion for...I will never go there again!