Oh Herro beautiful Coach bag!
Ahhhh how I love Coach! Alas Im usually a broke azz bish or just wayyy too cheap! This day I went in and was given a 30% off coupon! Plus they took off 10% off the total after the first coupon then another 10% off in addition to the 50% off original price of my clearance bag! Its weird how they do it but whatever, I got a 268$ purse for 57$!!
Its a large store, but beware of the clearance area! Bishes be crazy! You have to basically grab whatever you can then actually look at it in the safety of a corner or be ready to shank someone so they dont take it away from you! LOL JK! But they are out for blood! Anywho, they have a ton of employees around with their little calculators and are ready to assist you! Just remember, stand your ground! LOL.
Store is clean, organized by color and season, and theres a huge line for more than 3 and less than 3 items! SCHWING! Ill be back this Thursday or Friday to see what else I can score!
Go check out the clearance section first!