Visiting for a few days, my wife and I got a week-long visitor pass. Yes, we had to talk with the sales guys, but they were very cool about the whole thing. No pressure, and they knew we were going to be here for just a week.
The club is packed with exercise and weightlifting equipment on the ground floor, and ringed by ellipticals and treadmills on the top. Also on the ground floor there are racquetball courts and an exercise studio. So far we have run the treadmills and taken a not-so-easy cardio weightlifting class. Worked up a great sweat and enjoyed the atmosphere.
The clientele are all either in good shape (my wife) or working on it (me), but the mood of the place is pleasant, and there is no muscle-head or aerobics-beauty vibe going on - people are here to exercise and have a little fun.
Boys, if you are not married and do not know this already, here is some sage advice - take some of the cardio classes. In my class today there was 1 guy and over 20 women. You do the math!