Beano Rats. You know them. They wear earth tones. Read tattered second hand copies of "To Kill A Mockingbird". Only work on Mac Books. Beano Rats are wealthy hipsters who drive VW's. The hipsters who's photograph's are actually selling and are successfully graphic designing. They are old hipsters and young hipsters and they are lined up there morning, noon and night.
I was almost a Beano Rat for a while - mostly because it was a few blocks from my house. I would go there two or three mornings a week, get a drip coffee (fancy that!) and a bagel with cream cheese and tomato. But now that I've moved, it's too much trouble to go there. So in a nutshell - it's good but not that good.
When you go to Beano - you're paying for atmosphere. The coffee is most certainly palatable and the food is just fine and dandy. What you're paying for are things like the Community Bulletin Board is only for local artists and events, they have a displaced person (homeless) who sweeps the side walk in exchange for coffee and dogs are welcome to be tied up right outside. You're paying to walk around with your disposable Beano coffee cup (with a lid made from corn) so everyone can see you go to Beano.