ON a sunny beautiful Saturdy, I came to the library to do some studying.
On the 2nd floor I find myself a station. Before I knew it a conversation started to the right of me where 3 african men were openly chatting very loud. This continued for about 10 minutes without anyone saying anything. When I looked in their directions, they simply continued and another library staff walked by as if there's nothing going on.
i look to my right and there is a man cehcking out soft porn, while punching on chips. He wiped his fingers cleaned and then proceed to type on the keyboards.
Another glance showed this is the mecca of the homeless (no offense to them). where every other person is sort o a 'bag' person who hasn't showered in days.
As beautiful and modern as this buidling is, it's a shame the staff do not care to maintain and the patrons have no respect for it.