From the moment I entered the office until I was an A1 experience. I have not received that kind of superb treatment/customer service in a long time. (Really ever if I can remember)
I enter the office and a smiling welcoming receptionist greeted my by my first name. I did not even have to introduce myself and she even pronounced my name correctly..
That just showed me right there how attentive she/they were. Stephanie was her name and she even shook my hand. I had to fill out the usual paperwork and before I sat down to do so..I was offered some bottled water.
I was called in and xrays were done and had to go back to the waiting room because they were behind due to and emergency patient they had to take care of.
As I went back to the waiting room, Stephanie came out to me and handed me an envelope. She was very apologetic that I had to wait and she exclaimed they don't like their patients to wait.
(OMG- they gave me a gift certificate for some frozen custard and a movie ticket!!!)
Who does that?
I have been to several medical appointments where I had to wait forever and not even a simple sorry was said.
They even have blankets for patients that might feel a little chill from the AC. I love it cold and love AC but it does get nippy just laying there. Next appointment I know how to dress. lol
For my next appointment I was given an appointment form-time, date, etc but the important part was the breakdown of the total cost and what insurance will take care of and part is my responsibility.
My son's appointment is coming up and my son says he hopes they are late so he can get comped. hahahahhaahha
I definitely will be spreading the word to my friends, family and co-workers on how great this office is.
Oh ya- Dr. Edington is not bad to look at neither. (wink)