| - ... this was the worst experience with a class/instructior I've had in my 10 plus years practicing yoga.
I decided, on a recent trip to Phoenix, to drop in to a Candlelight Yoga class. Sounded really nice and relaxing. Not ... so ... much .... I just don't understand why there has to be pop music blaring in the background THE WHOLE CLASS ?? How about some softer music? Or silence. I found it both annyoing and super distracting.
The instructor was very uninvolved and seemed bored. She paced back and forth in front of the room at the beginning of class ... she did not at any point seem calm, centered or really connected to what was going on with her students. It was like she was distracted, or tired ... or BORED.
What it was, and why I gave it two stars (and not one) was a good workout. Oh, and the studio is really nice ... urban, artsy, hipster style.
I guess this is what they mean by competitive yoga. Everyone decked out in lulu, trying to outpose one another. Nothing wrong with that, but not my thing ... and I would advise anyone who's looking for more depth, presence and actual flow to try somewhere else.