Sad so very sad. The food isn't great, but when you live in the eastern suburbs it will most certainly do. I always stick with the appetizers because their entrees I have found are always hit or miss. Mostly miss. They have this thing about delivery of course and if you're out of their delivery area they charge an extra fee so okay I called yesterday tell them where I live like I have every other time I've called and the nice young woman asks what I would like. After thirty minutes I receive a call thinking the food had arrived. Nope it was I believe the delivery driver but his English was completely indecipherable. I think he kept saying "No Delivery" but I couldn't be sure. I hung up and called the restaurant and it was like the Twilight Zone. I explained to them what had just happened and they were like ya sorry can't deliver to you. I pushed it because if they decided not to deliver you don't wait till thirty minutes after the order was placed when the customer is now waiting for their order. The person refused to tell me why they couldn't deliver just that they wouldn't. Finally he said there was a note on the computer saying we could not deliver to our address. I live in a condo with two separate buildings and a gatehouse so was this "note" specifically about my address or someone else in the complex? I finally hung up. It was also strange because when I asked to speak to the young woman who I originally placed the order with her shift had ended and she was gone. Sure I believe that. So I called back today to see if maybe someone could clear up what happened yesterday (like I said Chinese delivery on the eastside good luck). A young woman answered (claims she wasn't the same one, but I think it was) and when I explained what had happened she put me on hold and then came back and said the delivery driver had called and no one answered now that is interesting because yes I do believe he called but when he did he just said well we think he said no delivery. She also said the delivery driver claims he was at our address but no one was there now this is a complete lie because no one came to the gatehouse so if he was at an address it was not the correct one and for a company, any company to believe their delivery drivers and then deny a customer, a good repeat customer further service when it was because of the driver's error that any of this even occurred is beyond me. So I am writing this review to say don't even bother with this place. The food is sub par if you're lucky and clearly they don't care enough about their customers to actually believe them when one of their drivers makes a mistake and will not admit it.