Unhappy with my visit. My experience :
The service : Decent ! The people were very nice & they were very helpful.
What I am unhappy about : Their billing system.
I have PPO insurance with a 30% co-payment. The cost of the office visit is $125 without insurance. The receptionist told me that I am only responsible for 30% of $125 since my insurance will cover the rest. I paid the 30% ($36.77)on the day of my visit. A month later, I got an invoice in the mail and saw that they charged the insurance $225.00 and the insurance paid them $102.42 and I am responsible for $85.81! So I paid the bill. This means I paid a total of : $122.58. In total, they received $225 from myself and the insurance. That is way more than how much they charged people without insurance. But no, they are not happy! They sent me another bill for the same amount. (I contacted them about this and is waiting for their response on this- perhaps there is something wrong with the billing system. But I just wanted to share my experience with everyone).
My Tips: If you have insurance - might as well not use it, you will end up paying similar amount & they ended up gaining way more from you.