| - I love this Whole Foods! I have to admit, the crowd that shops here can be super overwhelming sometimes and have the etiquette of a paperclip, but that is by no means this store's fault. Legit, I've been here a few times where it felt similar to a self-defense class. If you're willing to put up with that sometimes, you'll likely be just fine.
For a grocery store, this Whole Foods is always very well-organized. Sometimes you won't see anything at all out of place, which can actually be quite impressive. Sometimes I find myself straightening shelf items if I've picked up something to look at it! The staff are also knowledgeable-- you can ask for the most obscure thing, and they usually know precisely where it is, what aisle and what other obscure things are near it. I don't have any dietary restrictions, but if you did, these will probably become your people.
The highlight of this store is definitely the hot/prepared foods section. Everything is awesome. Legit, you can blow some serious dough over there. Excellent rotisserie chickens, wonderful pasta salads, delicious bakery... I could go on and on. Sometimes, if I'm in a rush, I'll run to this section of this store and stock up on a few things along with their fresh baked bread, and I'm good to go on emergency grocery provisions. I'll be back!