So I pull up to the window and start to order. As I order Mia the girl in the headset cuts me off to review my order. I told her I would like to also add a sprite and before saying anything else she gives me my total. Just blurted out some numbers. At this point I wasn't finished ordering but since she cut me off twice I felt I was rushed. I got to the window and asked if I could add on a grilled burrito and she said they can't do add ons in the window that it'll mess up her timer. So I asked her if I could back up and go back to the order area and she said yes (which would of taken more time) then she said she'd ask her manager and came back and said he said no so I then asked to speak to him. I explained to him how she cut me off twice while I was still trying to order and that I'd just like to add a burrito. He then spent a good minute and half explaining how me ordering my one burrito was causing the wait to be too long for everyone else. Him explaining this probably took longer than just getting me the one burrito I asked for. He then handed me my burrito and said "here's your one item everyone's been waiting on". This was order #60 at store #1095 5/16/2017 @5:57. I wasn't able to get the managers name but I figure if I'm wanting to add something to spend more money at your store you may not want to interrupt your customers and just give them their order without issue. I work at a restaurant and even if the customer is an asshole a manager is there to smooth things over so they leave happy. Yeh well me, the customer, didn't leave happy at all.