Very unfriendly customer service. Gum
smacking /popping girl at the counter has yet to acknowledge my presence. I only come here because of the price and every time i tip, they NEVER say thank you!!! They don't ask what you want and if they screw up they don't apologize (I'm a guy and they arched my eyebrows like crazy last time I came in)(using moms yelp to post) This will be the last time I'll ever come as I will be looking for another location , even if I have to pay more. I guess they'll never get the "Good Customer Service " concept !! That's what keeps a business successful ... They're not getting a tip this time , it's not like they appreciate it anyway ! Oh wait... The gum smacking girl opened her mouth as I was paying and asked if I wanted to leave a tip!! Uhhhh NO! That shut her back up quick! Don't get me wrong I do tip when it's deserved ...