Carrot Top is simply amazing! Like another reviewer at yelp, I have always been a closet fan of Carrot Top and his style of comedy (props and all) but I also admit that I had mixed feelings getting myself to book his show mainly because I didn't want to disappoint my wife and friends who were to accompany me.
The first time I mentioned Carrot Top, 5 out of 7 friends laughed at the idea. After reading reviews on Yelp and watching his interview on youtube, only 3 remained skeptical but got voted out! and after sitting (well more like ROFL) through his show all I can say is that they're all now Carrot Top fans!
its been a few days since we saw the show but everyone keeps talking about CT. Mind you we saw three other comedy shows while at Vegas.
If you like Family Guy you will love Carrot Top, if you HATE Family Guy you will love Carrot Top.
as my five star rating suggests - its As good as it gets!
Only regret? I wish he stayed for autograph/photo after show, but I guess after such a high energy show he needs his rest.
Thank you Yelp!