I had a decent massage from an aesthetician. She was only able to do a relaxation massage which I was not aware of until she entered the room. I also requested a eucalyptus aromatherapy treatment & a foot treatment. When she came into my room she told me she only had 50 minutes and that was it. When I asked her about the other 2 treatments that I requested, I did not get a clear response. I think there was some type of language barrier. One thing was for certain she only had 50 minutes. (Afterwards I was at the front desk paying & I saw the lady who gave me my massage rush out with her coat & bag. Clearly she had somewhere to be...Although I am clear that massages have a time limit, I didn't find it relaxing hearing her repeat that she only had 50 minutes. ( I presume this is why I could not have my other services).
The massage was good, however I would have preferred to also have the other two treatments that I was willing to pay for. Perhaps the clerk at the desk should have notified me when she received my clip board with all the information on it. I'm not sure who is to blame in this instance, however I found it to be somewhat unprofessional.