Nicole Baxter is the best asset this law office has, she was great and probably deserves five stars!
I originally gave all my financial data, etc to an associate who left the firm and at the time was told I would be filing a Chapter 7 based on his information. I relied on his advice and the amount that I was going to be charged. A few months later (when nothing had changed my finances or bills) I turned in the paperwork and money to file the bankruptcy. Later I was informed that I would not qualifyfor a Chapter 7 but we need to file a Chapter 13. Now I realize this is all based on the law and charts however my finances had not changed thus the chapter should not have changed unless I was misinformed in the first place. I questioned this and was told that part of my finances were not listed on the questionnaire that the attorney had filled out at the time. I know for a fact I told him everything because I was concerned about the fact that I would be in the 13. After several emails and I'm sure the frustration in their office as well as my own one of their attorneys sent an email pretending as though it was supposed to be "inter office" (which we both know it wasn't) making the comment "Like we didn't already look at her income from every angle to try and find a way to make it work...Ugh!". Now I appreciate that she was frustrated but I was misinformed by their office and was paying a good sum considering I has no money.
I then met with a separate attorney regarding the chapter 13 at which point he told me that they would most likely make a motion to make my payments not five years but less. That never came to pass and after the response to me being misinformed last time I didn't bother bringing it up. I did ask about other options as things continued to occur over the 5 years which they answered promptly and I appreciated.
That aside the rest of my dealings were fairly nice and Nicole was fantastic. They also help me out with my divorce which I appreciated and although costly for two people who agreed on everything I do understand the work that went into it.