if you want hair in your food then this is the place to be! this is the second time I have been here, and the last. the fist time I came I received my spinach roll ups cold, so I took it back to see if they could reheat it. when I asked the female who worked in front to reheat it she was very kind and said yes, she gave it to the white female cook, the female cook rolled her eyes like I was bothering her to do her job! I received them back and I took a bight of the roll up and lone be hold I found a long piece of hair in the roll up! I quickly heading to the counter to see if I could see where it came from. an I looked closer and the same cook that rolled her eyes was not wearing her hat nor a hairnet! I was afraid to confront the female cook because she looked like she was going to take her anger out at me! the second time I came was today. I enter through the back of the restaurant and I take a quick glance trough the small window that leads to the kitchen to see if the cooks where wearing their hats, the Hispanic male was wearing his hat so I look over to the female cook and once again the white female was wasn't wearing her hat nor a hair net! and she was also on her phone instead of attending to the costumers! So I quickly walked out and decided never to comeback!