I stopped by here after work to pick up a couple of things and oh my goodness!!! There was an item I needed and there was an employee in the aisle who was stocking (I won't say in what section as I don't want to embarrass him) who had such bad body odor!!! I tried holding my breath as I looked for what I needed but the odor was too much. I honestly thought I would puke. I said to my boyfriend who was at the other end of the aisle and told him I can't get what I need cause that dude smells too bad and my boyfriend said "yeah, I know. I can smell him from here".
We went to another part of the store to get the other things I on my list but before we went to pay, I decided to look down the aisle to see if the guy was gone and he was. I started walking down the aisle and I could still smell him!!! His odor lingered in the air! Disgusting!!!
I don't think I'll go back to this store. I'm surprised his manager or coworkers didn't say anything to him about his body odor.
Take a shower, dude! Use deodorant!