| - We went to the previous location several times and it was really nice. Glad they moved because the previous location was smaller. I do miss the cute art work on the walls, it's kind of plain. Maybe they were not allowed to pain this place that way. It's kind of a bummer because it added a lot to the atmosphere. There is more room to move around in the new location which is great. I see they added a few new things to keep the little ones busy. I just wish there was more seating so that the parents will stop standing in the way and making it harder to get around.
The biggest problem that these indoor playgrounds have are the "helicopter parents" and the "mommy groups." The helicopter parents make it more difficult to get to your child because the will not move more than 1 foot away from their child. One day I tried to prevent my child from being hurt by another child that was throwing a tantrum and I couldn't get to my child. Of course the helicopter parent gave a funny look, but I couldn't get to my child do to them standing in the way. Their child wasn't in harms way at all. Helicopter parents need to learn that preventing your child from socializing with other children, free playing, learning, and developing is extremely dangerous to their well being. Take a good look at this world! You child needs to learn so that they can react in a more positive manner instead of freaking out when life gets too hard! This is a safe environment... let your child play!
The mommy groups are just as bad. They are so busy standing around talking that they don't watch their children. If you want to socialize than go elsewhere. Hold play groups at your house and stop filling up the play areas. The mommy groups chase away those of us that want to enjoy our play time because they act like they own they place. They don't allow the other children to play freely because they are constantly in the way. They are either standing in front of things to play on or sitting on the floor and taking up a lot of space for the children to play. They don't watch their children because they are too busy talking. Shouldn't your child come first? And don't even think that you can assist their child when they are not paying attention because they will verbally attack you.
The rule is that everyone needs to watch their children. Management needs to break up these groups or hold certain times to allow them to visit. The rest of the time should be free to play all over the place. I've heard several parents complaining every time we go about the mommy groups. Most of the parents find themselves stuck in a little area because it's so difficult to move around. If you say "excuse me" in a nice, friendly voice the mommies give you an attitude. The mommy groups need to be put to an end if they cannot watch their children.
I like the fact that the age group is limited. We've been to other indoor playgrounds and it's just crazy. Same issues... parents not watching their children. It's great that there is so much to keep our little ones busy. I liked the baby area they had before, but it was so sad to see parents not using it. Now the babies crawl all over the place and it's hard for toddlers to play with so many babies crawling around. They have walkers and such, but again the parents are not using them. It would be a little bit more enjoyable if there was more room for our kids to ride the bikes, push carts, and just move about without all the craziness.
The noise level is a bit too much at times. Like I said, it's mainly the mommy groups. I barely hear anyone else talking. I would like for my kids to enjoy the music, but that it so hard when the noise level is so high. It's not the kids making all the noise! In respect to other parents, if your child if having a tantrum and you can't get it resolved, please leave. I heard one mom tell her child 14 times in 40 minutes that if he didn't behave they were leaving the next time she said it to him. It took this child to start hurting another child for them to leave.
The bathrooms are clean, but some parents/children are rude and leave a mess behind. Glad they don't sell food because this place would turn into a giant mess after a few days. Snacks are one thing, but serving food would be a mistake. I see the way most of these parents are with their kids and it would be a disaster.
I saw another review about inattentive parents. Good point! It also applies to those who come and socialize and not tend to their children. The time spent here should be about your children and not about you.