Bought a car here...forget about dealing with the hoards of Salesmen waiting to pounce on your car as you pull up...make an appointment with the Fleet Dept (yes, the Fleet Dept) your homework before you show up and know the price, so they don't dicker around with you and waste your whole day.
The process was great...until I started to deal with the Finance guy....who was a condescending JERK, because I didn't want to sign up for warranties and add'l unnecessary crap. Why do these CREEPS think that ANY women is an unsuspecting target to sell EVERYTHING to? I think the Finance guy was on commission.
Well, when I threatened to get up & walk away to go someplace else to buy a car, he changed his tune (and they gave me floor mats). Next time, I'll ask for LUNCH too...
I'm not very impressed with the Service Dept, so I take my car elsewhere. They seem friendly, but not helpful in resolving my car repair issues.