| - I write very few reviews. I am not easily impressed and consider most things that are too good to be true, exactly that.
I am a full time working mother of 3, if you include the one they call "daddy." To say my time is limited is an understatement. Prior to children, I considered myself a CrossFit workout style junky. I followed the adage "no pain no gain". However, this all changed once the kids came along. Time became a precious commodity. I learned to justify not taking care of myself. I needed a kick in the butt!
My husband suggested Vibetality. He had been a member for nearly a year and loved it. The thought of a 15-minute workout was very appealing, so I gave it a shot. I absolutely love it and try to attend 4-5 classes per week.
Vibetality recently offered a customized diet/workout challenge. The challenge included before and after body composition measurements, an easy to follow meal plan along with the workout routine I was already following. I was amazed at the amount of weight and inches I lost in 30 days. To put this into perspective, I lost more weight, body fat and inches in 30 days at Vibetality than I did in 12 months performing a CrossFit style/boot camp workout. This review is by no means a bash on CrossFit, I am simply providing my personal experience with each.
Vibetality is amazing. The owners, staff and students are incredible. If you are in doubt of the 15-minute workout, I challenge you to give it a try. If you prefer a friend to try new things, let me know, I will be your friend. I will introduce you to the amazing staff and fellow students. You will not be friendless for long.
Vibetality will change your life.