By far the worst Albertsons in town in terms of "customer service". I have a really good reason for being "that person that clears the shelves". I was buying water to donate to the Help Of Southern NV water drive.
The coupon states "Limit 1 coupon per customer per transaction", which leads me to believe that I can use the coupon as many times as I want in a day, right? The "customer service manager" who rang me up started to give me attitude and complained that people were buying up their inventory and that the limit was just 2 (regardless).
I was in line again to buy water (coupon of the week). The cashier complained to a regular customer behind me by saying "my week has been ok, just been dealing with the water and egg special week. I can't wait until it's over in 3 days." She stared at me while she was saying it. Her statement made me extremely uncomfortable.
On another occasion, I had a return for some items that i bought the same day at a different Albertsons. I had to return a flavor of chips that my husband did not want. She gave me attitude and said that I should have brought the items BACK to the original Albertsons for the return because it was the same day.
I will have to say that I will NOT return to this Albertsons for my future purchases.