| - The place is small, but after reading about it online, it's pretty much what I expected. You grab your little basket outside the door, walk into the glass room, and load up on what you want. The optionals are minimal (crack pie slices or a whole pie, and about 4 different kinds of cookies), but the quantity is plentiful. I went around 4pm and they were still stocked. Maybe once word gets out more, that won't be the case? They also have tshirts and pins and a few other non-edible things.
I left with a slice of crack pie, 2 compost cookies, and a corn cookie. It came to $12 and change, not too bad. My boyfriend absolutely loved his corn cookie and told me I could pick him up a few of those any time! I tried a bite and was like a sweet cornbread. Tasty. I only tried a small bite of his compost (haven't had mine yet), and it was also pretty good. The coffee grounds really come through and as a coffee lover, that's great. Lastly, the crack pie. I'll agree with others when they say it's like a pecan pie without the pecans. We split the piece and I ate small bites over about an hour while watching tv, because yes, it is ridiculously sweet. But also ridiculously tasty.
I really want to try the birthday cake truffles (I think that's what they are?) and it's pretty safe to say I'll be swinging by here again before the end of summer.