I get that everyone and their dog loves Lululemon wear. I get that it's made from recycled materials, is super comfortable and super trendy. But to be honest, I've only ever owned one Lululemon piece of clothing and it is a hoodie. Again, to be honest, it's not my most favourite hoodie. I find it very heavy.
I'm not hating on Lululemon AT ALL, I'm just questioning it a bit because the times that I've been, the service isn't all that and personally, I can't justify spending $90 on a full sleeve shirt made from recycled milk bottles.
Lululemon is a bit of a cult. You walk in and you'll find the runners and the 'yoga-doers'. The people that shop at Lululemon are always super fit and super well off. I despise that classism is a prominent part of the Lululemon shopping experience.
What I do love about Lululemon however are the quotes and mantras that come on every bag. I love bouts of positivity and faith. But I'm gonna be honest: The bags aren't enough to make me want to drop a couple hundred on a couple of shirts.