I am a yoga fan. I am a fan of OM chant. I am not a fan of this restaurant.
I have watched businesses drop away from this spot like flies for last few years until this one. Since it stuck around for longer then most, I figured that it must be good. uhhh No.
Maybe it's me. Maybe we're just not meant to be. Maybe this is what I get for expecting wonderful Indian food from Tibetan restaurant - but I'm allowed to expect that in a city like Toronto, where the Chinese owned sushi spots rule my books - can't I?
It could be that the build up was so big and the crash was so hard that I never recovered.
I love the cozy atmosphere of this place - it's just dim enough. It's warm colours go well with the cozy feeling and the music. I had my first meal there and I got sick. Maybe it was because I only had a sandwich all day and the spices didn't like me so much that day - I dunno.
The second time I had the food to go. This in itself was an interesting experience as the waiter refused to give me a specific time as to when the food would be ready. It was always "soon" which turned out to be 15 minutes.
I felt that the price reasonable - I had paid about the same for some DELICIOUS butter chicken from Banjara and Dhaba - until I ate it. Then, the price became ridiculous.
First of all - I don't know where the butter went, in the BUTTER chicken. There was a lot of tomato - in fact, it should have been called Tomato chicken. There definitely was some butter in the Butter Naan - but it made the Naan hard, chewy but not complementary to the food.
Normally, I have serious dilemma of having to remember to eat both Naan and chicken (and not just one or the other) ,as well as ration my Butter Naan so it doesn't run out before the Butter chicken is at least 2/3 done. With this food - I was wondering how much of the food I was willing to throw out and cut my losses.
I normally have a 3 tries rule - I try at least 3 times. Not this place. Apparently, Indian food is made best by Indians.