| - Man, I used to love Fry's when I was younger. I mean, they have so much cool stuff with buttons and lights and sounds and robots and race cars and telescopes and tv's bigger than my car and oh me oh my so much cool stuff!
That was then. Now, I still like coming here because they have a lot of cheap doo-dads, but my Fry's needs have been pretty much met by the internet and the deals to be had there. That's not to say Fry's isn't cheap still.. it is. But when you can find an HDMI cable online for $6 and get the same one here for $6, you really have to think about coming out here. I mean, it's far. Also, the salespeople are there for display. They're not very good about helping people or suggesting things.
Still, I have to give credit where credit is due. I bought my parents' tv here a few years ago. The price was far better than it was at Best Buy or Costco or Circuit City (!!) at the time, and they threw in the little tv stand, too. It was a great shopping experience, really. Who doesn't like savings?!
Plus, I can spend hours here looking at cool things. I'm not in the market for a flux capacitor at this time, but I'm sure I could find one here.
At the same time, I was recently in the market for a new tv. I ended up getting it at Best Buy because it was the same price, but it was a lot closer to my house. It just didn't make a lot of sense to drive out there.
I love Fry's. It's just a great nerdtastic place to shop. They have a ton of movies, cd's, books, games... all sorts of stuff you can get at Best Buy or Target, but with greater product volume. It's pretty cool.
Also, I like that they sell astronaut ice cream here.