My best friend and I came into this sephora to browse around looking for a good foundation we could wear to prom. It's busy and nobody offers help, which is totally okay. So we start at the too faced area and I'm looking at the born this way foundation and the color sand is all out. We're usually in the Sephora in summerlin so it's no biggie, we open the drawer at the bottom to grab my color out (it has restocks down there) and the worker who not only prior walked past us without a word or a smile, KICKS the drawer shut, almost smashing my best friends hand. He is speaking to a customer and as he reaches across with his foot to shut it, he looks away only for a moment to give us a nasty look and say "is there something I can help you with 'friends'" it was so weird and condescending.... he then finishes with the customer and looks at us and without a word speaks into his little microphone to get somebody to come help us as he walks away looking irritated or flustered. We sat in awe that someone could be so nasty and then not even address us after. I understand if they didn't like us inviting ourselves to grab our own color, but it was just quick for us to be self sufficient with how busy it was & if it would've been stopped politely or in a constructive way we would've apologized and used some help! But getting one of our hands almost smashed in the drawer? No thank you. Nasty attitudes and unwillingness to help unless you go out of your way, which you end up being told to wait anyway. SHIT SHOW!!!! Avoiding this location