| - I happened on Dr. Moody's practice by accident. I was with a friend and we stopped by the building where Community Medical Clinic is located when I saw a new sign. I went in to see if another medical person whose name will not be given was gone or not. I am happy to report that person is no longer located there!
I happened to speak with Dr. Moody, who seems very pleasant and knowledgeable. He took a few minutes to speak with me when he heard me asking about the new practice. That struck me as very impressive when many physician will hardly spend that much time with a patient.
I read on his website that Dr. Moody says he specializes internal medicine, sports medicine, hepatitis, and HIV Treatment. He did strike me however that he might make a good GP. I have had to deal with more health problems than most of people, so my hunches about health care professionals are usually pretty good. I regret to say I didn't think about to ask him about that but might well will be worth looking into. At the time I was just surprised that I was even getting to talk to him. I do know he offers a special plan for people that don't have health insurance which in this day and age can be most helpful. I'd suggest looking into it if you are in that position?
Now we will discuss what might be the tricky part for some people concerning Dr. Moody. In the course of the conversation, I noticed some literature that was aimed toward the gay community. I asked him and Dr. Moody made it very clear that his practice is very open to the gay community and that he himself is. If he hadn't mentioned his personal preference, I wouldn't have known it. I admit that is about the last thing I would think about as long as I have received good health care. And that, I guarantee you is something I am very, very, particular about!!! Sadly, those I have found to have offered less that that have been the physicians who might turn their noses up at a practice such as Dr. Moody's.
His location is easy to find and he has parking. Two things you can never go wrong with!