I was instructed to take my 7 week old son here when my pediatrician was unable to see him. My son had been throwing up and refusing to eat. I grabbed my id and insurance card, the baby and car keys and out the door I went.
When I arrived the receptionist was reading a book, didn't look up yet managed to mutter has he been seen before? I said no an was instructed to sign in and take a form (there was a slew of clipboards with new patient paperwork on the counter). We filled out the paper work and was told there was a copay. We don't have a copay... She insisted it was 20. After telling her I don't have my card she set her book down and very annoyed told me to take my son to the er than because they weren't going to see him.
I should he known that an urgent care in a strip wall was a bad idea. Next time I'll make sure to go to an actual urgent care where they care about my newborn.