Ran by two guys who only want your money and don't care about their players. They allow and condone sexual harassment to take place while in their league and the harasser gets "talked to" about 5+ times and the girl gets told "ignore him, be a big girl" sexual harassment is no joke; but you ask for help and protection from the owners and they ask you not to come back and play. After 6 months asking for help from one owner all you get is ignored calls, but he also takes advantage of girls in his league himself. The other owner SEES the inappropriate touching with his own eyes and is too weak to protect the MULTIPLE women this man was harassing. I was forced to take legal action through the superior court to get protection from this guy. I guess we live in a sexist world where men are allowed to touch and harass women and it's ok as long as you "just ignore it."
Update: the state of AZ has found these instances and months of spreading rumors and lies as harassment and a restraining order has been issued. So this harassment should have been taken seriously many months ago, and I have asked over 20 times over a 6 month period to have this guy removed from league without success.
With this new information I still have not received an apology for this harassment not being handled correctly from NDO. Waiting for a call still. They not only allow Men to sexually harass women but they allow sexual harassment from males to other males and think it's funny even when men express they feel uncomfortable. Johnny is guilty of touching men and messaging them inappropriate messages and texts to straight men hence why he loves the owners. They condone his behavior so of course he's in support of these two men.
Funny how the judge deems these actions harassment in less than an hour and it takes these two men 8 months to do ANYTHING about this situation after being asked weekly to get this creeper removed. So if you want to be harassed by straight men and gay men this is the league for you.
Update: april 2015. STILL have not been contacted from either owner about sexual assault, I guess ignoring the judges order against sexual harassment makes them feel better about ignoring it. Out of sight out of mind is NDO's motto. Great way to run a business... When any marketing tip is NOT TO HIDE BUT ADDRESS THE PROBLEM. So NDO, WHEN are you going to address and air your fault?! Never?!!