LL Bean has been known to make quality products but they do come with a hefty price tag. Normally when I shop there I always look for a sale. They always offer free shipping if you have a card with them and returns are simple.
I used to know my size when it came to ordering but lately their clothes seem more fitted. So I need to up size in order to get a comfortable fit. I can no longer use their measuring chart. Staff is always friendly and helpful. They offer free embroidery on some of their pieces. You can find most anything from outdoor gear to regular clothing for men, women, and children. They also have what they call a "signature" collection which is just a fancy word for a different but more pricey style they offer.
This store is on two levels at the main entrance to Ross Park Mall. Fitting rooms are available. You will sometimes find more things in the store than you see online. So far I have bought a winter jacket from them, a couple of sweaters, and a few flannel shirts. They have a nice shoe and boot department and will help you try on your selections so you can decide what works for you.
Outdoor equipment is also sold here. Some of their old merchandise I purchased were of better quality but still I have been happy with my choices. Best advice is to sign up for their mailing lists so you will know when they are having sales and if you get a $10.00 reward with your spend.