Customer beware; I have just learned one of the most rip off and stupid rule that Bank of America is using for crediting refund. On 3/16 I used my debit card to pay for my prescriptions. I knew before hand that it was going to cost quite a bit of money. The clerk charged my account for 1,200 dollars which was the mistake. She immediately electronically refunded the money to my account. I did not pay any attention to my balance thinking that the refund would went back in to my account immediately. This morning 3/19 I received an alert telling me that my fund is below my set limit. I immediately logged into my account ; I found the charge and did not see the credit. I called Boca customer service she told me it is their rule that the refund would not be credit back for 5 days. I complained that they took my fund immediately but yet 15 minutes after noticed the mistake the credit was made; I have to wait for 5 days it does not make sense. "Well this is the rule. "; she replied. You be the judge is this a rip off practice and a stupid rule or what?