| - Very cool place for kids under 10, better for kids age 3-8.
There's a climbing maze on the first floor that--unless they've just unloaded a busload of kids--is a whole lot of fun for the kids to "get lost in" and explore" (parents are welcome to go with, but be warned: it's rather cramped even for this 5ft 2in mother so you may wish to wait "on the floor"...which is so enjoyable in that you can look up, walk around and admire the creativity that was employed putting this play structure together. The flying bathtub is genius!
My boys especially love the "Bike Wash" with tricycles, the "Noodle Forest" and the "Racers" (cleverly built from roller-skate wheels and PVC pipe).
Always enjoyable as well are the make-believe ice cream cart, pizza cafe and grocery store, as well as the "Ball Room" with umpteen pipes, ramps, and funnels for rolling balls of various shapes, thereby resulting in a cacophony of chimes, bells and gongs...
All kids enjoy the vacuum pipes that push/suck/blow fuzzy balls and bundles of cloth in/out. Fun!
While my kids are not interested in the Art Studio, we have walked through and it seems like they have some neat projects happening at scheduled intervals throughout the day...
It's expensive. When my kids were younger and I had one that wasn't in school full-time, we got the year membership for $135 (not sure what it is now but it paid for itself with just four visits with me and the 2 kids at $30 per visit) since we went at least 6 times a year... But now that the kids are both in school full-time, we only go a few times a year. $33 for the three of us is quite steep (I absolutely insist that only my husband or I go with the boys because they charge $11 for EACH ADULT as well!) and only worth it if you bring a lunch/snack and plan to stay for 2-3 hrs.
Also, as other reviewers have noted, this place gets CRAZY CROWDED, especially in summer, and that can really ruin your/your child's enjoyment. Best go right when they open or 2 hrs before they close.
One last thing:
This is meant to be a Parent/Child experience. Those mommies/daddies that want to plop on the couch, set up their laptop and immerse themselves in work or social media should STAY HOME! The museum aides WILL tell you to stay with your kids and they will stop your unattended children and ask where their parents are.